

It’s spring time (for most). Patio weather fever and the big deal at the moment, especially here in North Texas, is the upcoming eclipse. I’ve got my favorite pair of Amazon approved viewing glasses, wish me luck!


I hope this email finds you navigating the challenges and opportunities of our industry with success and creativity. Today, I’m reaching out to share something truly special – an episode from “An Agency Story” podcast that I believe could be a game-changer for your agency.

Featuring Jack Skeels, the visionary behind Agency Agile, this episode dives deep into the art of “unmanagement” and the power of rethinking traditional agency structures. Jack’s journey from a management skeptic to a pioneer in creating empowered and happy organizations is not just inspiring; it’s filled with actionable insights that could revolutionize the way you lead your team.

Here are just a few takeaways waiting for you:

  • Embrace a New Leadership Paradigm: No more top down firefighting. Discover the transformative power of fostering autonomy and creativity in your team, leading to increased efficiency and satisfaction.
  • Navigate Growth with Insight: Learn why promoting top performers to management might not always be the answer and explore alternative paths for career advancement within your agency.
  • Harness the Power of Feedback: Uncover the importance of direct feedback from your teams to truly gauge and improve your agency’s health and productivity.

Jack’s approach challenges the status quo, encouraging us to rethink management and leadership in ways that genuinely align with the dynamics of creative work environments.

This is a good one folks, check it out!

An Agency Story – Featured Episode

Episode graphic for "An Agency Story" podcast with Jack Skeels - title Special Episode-Unmanaged: Master the Magic of Creating Empowered and Happy Organizations - Hosted by Russel Dubree - picture of Jack smiling in the lower right corner.

This was a fun interview to do. Most importantly we discuss why a project driven business…an agency business has a number of inherent challenges. Check out the episode, a link to a discounted copy of the book, and more.  Enjoy!


“The Backboard”