Shaping the Future
We’re focused on guiding business owners in creating scalable growth-oriented businesses.
We have curated a wealth of learnings, insights, and resources that are sure to get you and your business on the path to success.
Whether you’re a team of one or one thousand, our methodology can solve any business challenge at the foundational level to create long term value and success.

Performance Faction adheres to specific principles and values designed to maximize the performance of an organization in order to deliver exceptional quality of product, quality of life, and profit with a purpose.
Meet Russel
My name is Russel Dubree and I’m insanely passionate about helping agency owners scale their business in a way that brings profit, purpose, and meaning in their lives. I’ve lived the life of an agency founder and owner myself, and I know what it takes to run a profitable business.
My story begins in a small town in Missouri where I received my first taste of entrepreneurship at nine years old with a local paper route. It was truly a small business! I was responsible for purchasing my own papers, delivering them 6 days a week regardless of weather, and collecting payment from customers. I suspect I didn’t make more than $1 an hour most months. Not a successful enterprise on most accounts, but I certainly learned it was going to take more than just hard work to be successful as a business owner. Fast forward 15 years later….
After graduating college, I started a family, served a tour as an officer in the United States Air Force, and eventually started a digital agency (Lifeblue) with my business partner and zero dollars. There is not a single function of the business I didn’t immerse myself in to learn how I could make it better, more efficient, and more valuable for those around me.
I sold a majority stake in the company in 2017 at an eight figure valuation. However, this moment of success was not come by easily. It was the result of hundreds of smaller moments of success and failure. But I believe this can happen for any and every business, and it all starts with setting up the right systems, strategies, and tools.
Near the end of 2021, my new focus became helping other agency owners create successful businesses that are profitable, sustainable, and built to last.
I can help you turn your agency into a profitable and successful one. Are you ready to begin?