

The Word of the Year. It’s not a new concept but it seems as though having your word of the year is quite popular as we’re now 11.2% of the way into 2022. I admit, I didn’t start the year with a word. Which is funny, because in running a business, I believed it was critical to start each year with a guiding word, principle, or mantra. A concept for the team to collectively rally around and understand “This is the thing we’re going to be really good at this year.” I suppose I forgot how important it is to rally myself.   

So for 2022, my word will be Consistency.  For those that know me well enough, you might think to yourself, “that’s odd Russel, you seem like a pretty consistent guy.”  Truth. Well, truth with an ish.  I am a relatively consistent person but I thought I’d share my own roadblocks that can remove the ish from my personal fight to be damn good at Consistency.  Perhaps these may apply to you as well.  

  1. Consistency in spite of obvious success.   It’s hard to be consistent when the results don’t live up to expectations. There is certainly a fine line between changing course and consistently going nowhere.  My focus is to be consistent in my activities but willing to pivot in my approach. 
  2. Consistency in saying no.  I’m simply going to have to say “NO” more.  I preach it to my clients but it’s certainly an art I haven’t perfected. “NO” to opportunities that aren’t inline with my current strategy, “NO” to requests in the moment that can be done later, and “NO” to cheeseburgers (most of the time).  
  3. Consistency in messaging.  This one’s going to be a doozy but I want to be super specific in who I’m talking to and what I’m saying.  That needs to align 100% with anything and everything else I’m putting out in the world.  

Conversation update 140 out of 500.  In one of my recent conversations I found out way more about the alcohol industry and distribution than I’ll ever remember but it was certainly a fascinating convo.  

So, what’s your word of the year? 

“The Backboard” 
Growth and Culture Advisor

A Place to Follow

Performance Faction is officially on LinkedIn. Give it a follow. A majority of content will center around good culture practices, all things agency life, and some other nuggets here and there. 

Helpful Content

Love the “Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy.  A lesson on the importance of consistency.  Watch a few minute video to get the gist. Or you can read the book “The Compound Effect.”