Insights & Resources

Performance Faction’s Insights, Strategies, and Tools for a scalable, results-driven organization.

The Culture Code Notes

The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle is one of the better books on the key concepts behind having a successful culture within your business.  The book gives numerous examples and context to support the main points.  If you don’t have

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How to Give Good Feedback

This presentation was created to introduce and train our team on the concept of good feedback using Kim Scott’s book Radical Candor as a foundation.  If you as the business owner and everyone else in the company improved feedback skills by 20%,

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Team Member Exit Procedures

These resources provide a simple guideline for what to do when a team member leaves the organization either voluntarily or involuntarily. While rarely an ideal outcome, completing the exit process in a conscious, respectful manner speaks volumes to the type

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Team Member Onboarding Procedures

These resources provide a simple guideline for what to do when a team member starts with your organization. Onboarding a team member with a quality experience into your business is one of the most critical ways to ensure their success

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Marketing 10×10 Strategy

These resources provide an effective tool to develop a robust marketing and  lead generation system for your business.  Let’s face it, most businesses fail or under perform because they can’t find enough customers.  The Marketing 10×10 framework provides a simple

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Monthly Financial Review Process

The Monthly Financial Review Process is a simple checklist for ensuring your important financial metrics stay up to date and provide meaningful information to run your business. With this resource you’ll be able to: Ensure your financial data is current

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Income and Expense Forecast Worksheet

The Income Projection Template is a simple, easy to manage, and effective tool for basic financial projections for your business. The ability to consistently and accurately forecast your financial outlook is the single most important element for ensuring you have

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How to Have 1-1 Meetings that Matter

This white paper resource is an extremely effective guide to enhancing the relationship between a manager and a team member.  Too often 1-1 meetings are focused on tactical execution rather than the guidance, counsel, and opportunities for training necessary to

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Build a Story Brand

This resource is a great tool to help focus your content strategy and overall messaging platform for your business.   This tool is based on the book Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller.  Donald’s book provides a great methodology on the importance

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3 Simple Models for Business Strategy

When you’re in the early stages of running a business it’s easy to overcomplicate everything. The need to generate revenue often supersedes the necessity of focusing on executing your overall business strategy. Here are three simple, but effective models to

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